How it works ?

Did you know that you can choose a fabric different from what I offer in store?
If the answer is no, read on!

We agree that tastes and colors cannot be discussed!

If you like one of my creations but the fabric offered is a little less (I promise I won't be offended), you can personalize your product by choosing one of the fabrics available in this fabric library.

They are classified by type of fabric, each with a different reference:
  • Les Cotonnades
  • Honeycombs
  • Gabardines
  • The Minkys
  • The Sponges

How is the order processed?

Go to the product sheet dedicated to the product you want by clicking on one of the links below and follow the instructions, nothing could be easier!

How much does it cost?

Zero, peanut, rien, mann, nada, nothing, niente, niets...

And yes, it’s free ! So why deprive yourself of it?